Are you right in your skincare routine?

Are you handling the acne consistently but still, have new breakouts? You might be doing something wrong in your skincare routine. You will find here 8 skincare habits that may worsen acne and recommendations from dermatologists to help you improve these habits.

Stop These 8 Habits


Habit # -1

Try a new acne treatment.
It can irritate the skin and cause breakouts.
Washing your face all day long can irritate your skin and can cause acne.
Take time to work with acne treatment. You need to use Acne face wash for 6 to 8 weeks continuously. It takes time to show some progress. You should try another brand if you do not see any difference by then. This usually takes 3-4 months for a complete acne-free skin.

Habit # 2

Use acne medications only for the blemishes.
It is helpful to manage what you see, but it does not eliminate any new outbreaks.
Instead, spread a thin layer of the acne product evenly over your acne-prone skin to prevent new blemishes. Of example, you have to use acne cream on all those parts of your face if you have acne break out on your forehead, nose, and chin.

Habit #3

Using makeup, products for skincare and hair care products can contribute to acne.
In some makeups, there is oil or other components that may cause acne breakouts. You will continue to see blemishes if you use them continuously.
What do we have to do instead: only use makeup, sunscreen, skin and hair products, which are non - comedogenic' or' will not clog pores. '

Habit #4

Even if you only use non-comedogenic goods, make-up sharing will lead to blemishes. Acne is not contagious, but acne-causing bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells may migrate into the makeup by using make-up, making-up brushes or applicators on other people's skin. You can move bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells to your skin when you are using this make-up. This can block your pores and cause disruption.

What to do now? Make sure that your makeup, make-up brushes, and make-up applicators are only for the use of the individual.

Habit #5
The worst thing that helps in acne break out is to sleep in makeup. Even
non-comedogens will cause acne. Instead, remove the makeup before you go to bed. There are no exceptions. Use a make-up remover towel if you're too lazy to wash your face. Only make sure that this is a towelette.

Habit #6
Wash the face all day long can cause acne.
Washing your face many times a day can make your skin irritable, leading to more outbreaks.
What to do then wash your face two times a day — before you go to bed and wake up. Once you finish an activity that makes you sweat, you also want to wash your face.

Habit #7
Don't dry your skin too much.
Acne skin is oily so that astringent and acne treatments can be applied until your face feels dry. Don't do that. The dry skin feels sore and annoyed. You run the risk of getting more acne if you irritate your skin
Alternatively, use the medications for acne as directed. When your skin is dry, use an Acne Soap. 

Habit #8
Clean your skin with a scrub is also leading to worse.
You might be tempted to wash the face in order to get rid of acne. Don't do that. Scrubbing can cause skin discomfort and the flare-up of acne.
Instead, wash your face and skin with gentleness. you need to use a moderate, non-comedogenic cleanser. Apply the cleanser in a circular motion and gently with your fingertips. Rinse it softly, with warm water.  Then pat dry your skin with the clean towel.


When Do You Need To See A Dermatologist?

Most people can control acne through these instructions for skin treatment and by acne products. They can buy these products without a prescription. Despite these instructions, if you see acne, you need to see a dermatologist. Many people have an acute acne problem that can only be solved through acne prescription strength.


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