
Are you right in your skincare routine?

Are you handling the acne consistently but still, have new breakouts? You might be doing something wrong in your skincare routine. You will find here 8 skincare habits that may worsen acne and recommendations from dermatologists to help you improve these habits. Stop These 8 Habits   Habit # -1 Try a new acne treatment. It can irritate the skin and cause breakouts. Washing your face all day long can irritate your skin and can cause acne. Take time to work with acne treatment. You need to use Acne face wash for 6 to 8 weeks continuously. It takes time to show some progress. You should try another brand if you do not see any difference by then. This usually takes 3-4 months for a complete acne-free skin. Habit # 2 Use acne medications only for the blemishes. It is helpful to manage what you see, but it does not eliminate any new outbreaks. Instead, spread a thin layer of the acne product evenly over your acne-prone skin to prevent new blemishes. Of exa

Use Beauty Creams that Can Also Reduce the Dark Circles

Beauty Cream Are you troubled with your under-eye circles? You're dark circles make you look twice of your actual age? Does it look like you have lost all your energy and it seems that the world’s burden is fallen on your shoulders? You probably have tried some generic methods to rid of this a problem like putting on cucumber, potato skin and ice bags under your eyes. Still, all these methods are in vain. You think of an ultimate solution i.e. putting on layers of foundation and makeup on face so no one can think you a raccoon. But, have you thought to give your Beauty Cream a chance to rid of this under eye problem? You may not be as rich as celebrities and have no chance to go for injecting treatment for the face, but you can certainly put the cream under your eyes. It's simple and it provides you with every benefit without leaving your comfort zone. Some people are not so rich that they can afford multiple Face wash for Acne , beauty or eye circle problem